Entries Open Next Week for Apprentice of the Year 2023

Competition open to apprentices of ALL ages!

Entries open for New Zealand’s leading carpentry apprentice competition on 9th March.

Now is the time to start getting your apprentices ready to enter so they can take the first step towards the winners podium and driving away in their new UTE, proudly provided by CARTERS. Don't have an apprentice who can enter this year? No problem. But if you know of someone who would be perfect for this competition, let them know!

Check out the entry guides below. Or you can head straight to our website for all you and your apprentice need to know about entering so they can be ready to put their best foot forward.



Does my employer have to be a Registered Master Builders Member for me to enter the competition?
NO: You can have your apprenticeship with any builder – they DO NOT have to be a member of Master Builders.

Do you have to be trained through BCITO | Te Pukenga?
NO: You can be trained by any appropriate training provider.

Is Your Apprentice Eligible to Enter?

They need to:

  • Be currently employed by, or contracted to a building firm or a builder at the time of the regional competition being judged (does not need to be a Registered Master Builder). 
  • Have completed at least two years of their National Certificate in Carpentry on-site by 14 April 2023 and still be an apprentice at the time of entries close on Thursday 14 April 2023.

“As an employer I’d probably encourage other employers to get their young fellas in on the competition. Firstly, there are so many benefits they gain from being in the competition. Not only tips, but also getting to know people and the experience. Even if they don’t win, there is so much to be gained, winning is just the icing on the cake really. Secondly, it’s a great marketing opportunity. It’s all over social media, so it’s really good, free marketing for the company.”

- Chris Keane, Keane Building

“While no one build is the same, a lot of the day-to-day challenges are. So, for that reason it was good to pick up on what others are doing and take on-board useful learnings. Getting the chance to meet several industry leaders was another highlight. The whole competition has motivated me to set some future goals and work hard to achieve them.”
- Finn Eden, 2021 Upper South Island Regional Winner

ENTRIES OPEN 9 MARCH-14 APRIL To enter or for more information go to apprenticeoftheyear.co.nz or contact us on 0800 762 328.