Crafting The Future 

Isaac Posthuma
Second place at The Registered Master Builders Carters 2023 Apprentice Of The Year and Northern Regional Winner.
Isaac is employed by JR Build and his training provider was BCITO. 


Isaac, a North Shore native, was stoked to win second place at the 20th Registered Master Builders Apprentice of the Year competition.
“When I was young, I loved building stuff  with my older brothers. My dad owns a cabinetry business, and we would use the off -cuts. Being a builder was something I knew was right for me. It was awesome to be recognised for my hard work,” Isaac says.

“The competition was lots of fun — I enjoyed challenging myself and doing something out of my comfort zone. It was great to meet the other apprentices, they are all awesome people,”


The competition tested Isaac’s skills and resilience.

“It’s a lot of work, especially the submission process, so my advice for apprentices thinking of entering the competition is to start thinking about your submission a few months before it's due. Take your time and put a lot of thought into it,” Isaac says. 

Judges Comments 

Isaac’s performance in the practical competition was most impressive, surpassing any performance witnessed by the judges in the practical component of the competition to date.

Any bystander at the practical would agree with this statement.  Isaac is an excellent craftsman, and at the young age of 20, he has a bright and fulfilling career in construction ahead of him.

With very few points between this year’s winners, Isaac should be especially proud of himself. Congratulations.