6. Training and business tools
Running and growing a business can be tough, so we’ve put together some serious business services to give you the edge.
Mentoring & benchmarking
Mentoring gives you one on one time with an experienced, successful businessperson to help guide and grow your company. As a member you’ll enjoy discounted rates for a 12-month programme. We also have an online tool so you can quickly compare and rank your performance with other businesses.
Business training & education
Elevate is Master Builders online training portal. Members can access the portal at any time on any device. Learn more and upskill yourself through our Elevate training portal – easy to access wherever you are, on any device.
Free legal, financial and accounting advice
You can access essential help from specialists, to point you in the right direction when you need it.*
Specialist help with disputes resolution
We have an independent, third party team to help with dispute resolution and provide mediation.
Valuable discount programmes & services
As a member you can access a huge range of discounts through suppliers and providers – including business and personal insurance products, vehicles, fuel, office stationery, work boots and much more.
Health & Safety First and Foremost
This is the top priority for all businesses, so we’ve partnered with Health & Safety organisations to bring you seminars, eLearning (via our Elevate training portal) and OSH services at discount member rates.
Master Builders also have a member counselling service so you, and your staff, can get some help when you feel the pressure at work or at home is becoming too much.
Easy access on Offsite
You’ll find all the information you need on our members- only website Offisite. Free access to contracts, industry relevant information and news, calendar of events, our Elevate training portal and much more.
Publications delivered to your door
Our magazine and newsletters will keep you updated on all industry developments and RMBA news and events.
*Terms and conditions apply
7. Membership at every level
Business Membership
Our raft of
business memberships will easily accommodate the changing needs of your building company. Whether you’re contracting to other builders, the owner of a franchise building multiple homes or constructing New Zealand’s cities skylines you can belong to Registered Master Builders.
When your company is ready to grow, we can simply transition you to the membership class that best suits your needs.
Individual Memberships
We provide a number of options for those who wish to become an
individual member. Whether just starting out in your career as an apprentice, student in construction, a qualified craftsman or professional working in the industry; our range of individual member tips gives you the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of being a Master Builder.